Mark-Costello’s Side-Eject vs. Conventional End-Eject Balers

StepMark-Costello Side-EjectConventional End-Eject
1Feed MaterialInsert front end of wire ties
2Fill until “bale made” signalFeed Material
3Insert wire and tie offFill until “bale made” signal
4Depress “home” buttonInsert rear end of wire ties
5Open doorWalk behind to tie bale
6Eject bale w/eject switchFeed front wire ties for next bale
7Lift bale with forkliftOpen door
8Retract server islandEngage “flag pole” gauge
9Close door and repeatFeed next bale to push out bale
10 Retract “flag pole”
116Extract wedged bale from chamber
12FewerLift bale with forklift, etc.
13Steps!Clean up spillage
14 Adjust wire on loose bale
15 Close door and repeat