Heavy-Duty Stationary Compactors
For the Most Demanding Industrial & Transfer Applications

Select these products for weekly volumes of 500 cubic yards or more of industrial plant solid waste or recyclable materials. These models are particularly suited for high hourly volumes or continuous feed applications.
Heavy-Duty Compaction Systems for High Volume Waste Generators
High volume waste generators and companies with large quantities of heavy wood crates, skids and drums require heavy duty compaction systems. Mark-Costello offers a complete line of industrial compactors including extra heavy-duty stationary compactors and the massive M-1050XW & M-1475XW transfer station compactors.

This manufacturing facility utilizes a conveyor and a custom chute system to feed two, heavy duty RJ-575HD Compactors with reinforced compaction containers.
Features & Benefits
- These compactors are structurally engineered to withstand intense industrial use.
- Most models feature a charge box with 3/8″ T1-400 liners on the sides and 1/2″ T1-400 liner on the floor.
- The ram is made of 3/4″ steel plate on the face (1 1/2″ on the M-1050 & M-1475), the bottom is 1/2″ plate with T1-400 liner and the ram top is made of 1/2″ plate.
- The breaker bar is 2″ thick steel plate.
- Each model also features industrial grade hydraulic power units and electrical systems to achieve maximum compaction.

The M-600XW at a Naval base is elevated on a platform to accommodate compaction into a transfer truck.