Compactor Dimensional & Clearance Data

The following dimensions should be used as a guide. Actual dimensions may vary depending on installation and roll-off hoist models. They are subjected change without notice.

Compactor Dimensional & Clearance Data
RJ-225 ULTRA9′-11 1/2″4′-0″RJ-43 OC23′-8 1/2″8′-8″
RJ-225 & 225 HD9′-11 1/2″4′-0 9/16″RJ-40 OC22′-2″8′-8″
 RJ-30 OC16′-11 1/2″8′-8″
TC-220 TANK6′-0″4′-0″RJ-47 RC24′-6″8′-9″
TC-225 TANK7′-7″4′-0″RJ-42 RC23′-0″8′-9″
TC-300 TANK9′-4 1/2″4′-0″ 
RJ-325  & 325 HD14′-5 3/4″4′-0 9/16″Self-ContainedA + CD
RJ-400 ULTRA14′-5 3/4″4′-0″RJ-250 SC-34cy.22′-5″8′-8″
 RJ-250 SC-30cy.20′-5″8′-8″
RJ-27512′-1 3/4″4′-0 7/16″RJ-250 Ultra-34cy.22′-5″8′-8″
RJ-275 XHD12′-6″4′-0″RJ-250 Ultra-30cy.20′-5″8′-8″
 RJ-100 Ultra-34cy.24′-2″8′-8″
RJ-45014′-5 3/4″4′-6″RJ-100 Ultra-30cy.22′-1 1/2″8′-8″
RJ-450 PC14′-6″4′-6″RJ-88 SC-15cy.15′-7″7′-5″
RJ-550 & 575 HD19′-11″4′-6″RJ-88 SC-20cy.18″-6″7′-5″
RJ-575 PC19′-11″4′-6″RJ-88 SC-24cy.21′-4″7′-5″


Compactor Dimensional & Clearance Data